Health insurer Oscar touts online application process

Oscar Health Insurance, the new entry into the small group health insurance market in New Jersey, has focused on streamlining the application process this year.

The company claims it is the only health insurer to offer brokers, employers and employees the ability to sign up for health insurance entirely online.

This means that the usual paperwork process, including back-and-forth calls to find missing information, all gets done in less than 48 hours.

Once approved, a notification is sent out, and enrollees have immediate access to online ID cards and access to the member portal.

The process usually takes 7 to 10 business days.

The platform is similar to e-filing for taxes, with all the necessary forms available, and prompts to alert the broker about missing information.

“The tool is an electronic version of the actual application,” said Louis DeStefano, vice president of sales at Oscar. “It cuts down significantly on turnaround.”

And reduces filing headaches and frustration.

“This is just another example of putting the consumer first,” DeStefano said.

When asked if it could be scaled up to a large group model, he said the concept could apply, but would depend on if Oscar entered those markets.