Walk to Washington: Riders answer our four questions

Some of the top political scientists and pollsters in the state were on the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce’s annual Walk to Washington train on Thursday.

We didn’t consult with them.

Our polls — four questions we asked 25 people — were based in as much science as a note you may have passed in grade school. We had questions and we asked people who looked like they wanted to answer them.

That being said, we do think they provide a bit of a snapshot into the mood of the New Jersey business community.

Particularly our question on what should be the top priority. Gov. Phil Murphy has talked extensively about rebuilding our transportation systems — and the riders agreed in overwhelming fashion.

A look at our four questions and the results:

Question 1

How would you rate Gov. Murphy’s performance for his first 44 days in office?

Answer: 7.1 average (out of 10)

Comment: The governor received four perfect 10s and only one answer (a 3) under 4.

Question 2

How would you rate the state as a place to do business?

Answer: 5.2 average

Comment: This came with two perfect scores, too.

Question 3

If the governor could only concentrate on one size business: Startups, small, medium or large, which one would you tell him is the most important?

Winner: Small (40 percent)

Comment: Followed by startups and medium (both 28 percent) and large (just 4 percent).

Question 4

Pick two from this list of seven priorities for the governor: Transportation/logistics, economic development/incentives, taxes, education, unions, diversity and inclusion, outmigration/millennials?

Winner: Transportation and logistics (an incredible 96 percent of those surveyed), followed by taxes (64 percent).

Comment: Everything else was much lower: education (16 percent), economic development/incentives and outmigration/millennials (12 percent), and diversity and inclusion (4 percent).

Read all of ROI-NJ’s Walk to Washington coverage

  • Murphy tells dinner crowd he supports more innovation, help for startups … and millionaires tax
  • Booker: Millennial issue is everyone’s issue
  • Editor’s Desk: Murphy, Menendez show how gun debate is a business issue
  • From our print edition: ‘Head of sales’: Murphy says rebuilding state economy is a top priority, one he’ll lead personally
  • Walk to Washington: Overheard on the train
  • Interview with a legislator: Sen. Bob Gordon
  • Interview with a legislator: Asm. Shavonda Sumter