Ralph Lauren leases property at Prism’s ON3 campus

Ralph Lauren Corp. announced Friday it has signed a full-building lease at Prism Capital PartnersON3 in Nutley.

The lifestyle brand said it will still remain headquartered in New York City, but is moving its New Jersey hub to 100 Metro Blvd., supported by a $33 million Grow NJ grant.

Prism said it has launched a renovation plan to the seven-story building, including a redesigned lobby and new entryway. Outside, the firm said it will create new communal areas. Additionally, Prism said it will complete the construction of a parking garage to serve 100 Metro and the adjacent 15-story 200 Metro Blvd. in time for Ralph Lauren’s move to the campus.

The ON3 campus, which is comprised of 116 acres, is within close access to Manhattan and Route 3.

Prism is currently redeveloping the property with Phase 1, which includes adding and rebranding the streets and landscape of the east portion of the campus, near the mid-way point of completion.