The annual United Van Lines moving survey is out — and it has some not-so-good news for the state of migration in the state of New Jersey.
New Jersey “leads” the nation in outbound moves, with 66.8 percent of all the interstate moves involving the state involved people going out, not in. (That would mean only 33.4 percent of the moves were coming in — or an almost perfect 1 in 3.)
Why, you ask?
United Van Lines has those insights, too.
For those going outbound, for the job (34.73 percent) and retirement (34.51) were at the top, followed by family (20.44), lifestyle (17.36) and heath (6.15)
For those coming in, a whopping 61.84 percent said it was for a job, followed by family (28.29), lifestyle (7.24), health (6.58) and retirement (4.61), which admittedly, is 4.61 more than we would have guessed.
Now, here’s a look by age.
And there’s some good news for New Jersey.
While the largest outgoing age group was 65 or older (34.28 percent), the famed millennial group was the least of the group (at just 10.47 percent). To be fair, there was no statistic to show how many millennials have so far failed to simply move out of their parents’ house.
Others leaving include ages 55-64 (27.62 percent), 45-54 (13.81) and 35-44 (13.81).
Coming into the state was almost even across the board:
- 18-34 (18.44 percent);
- 35-44 (19.86 percent);
- 45-54 (16.31 percent);
- 55-64 (20.57 percent);
- 65-over (24.82 percent).
And, finally, we get to income. This is not great news for the state, either.
For those leaving, 42.61 percent made more than $150,000. (And there was no stat to show how many of those made more than $1 million.) Second on the list was $100K-150K (26.8 percent), followed by $75K-100K (15.46), $50K-75K (11) and under $50K (4.12).
There was some good news. Of those coming into the state, 42.55 percent made more than $150K, followed by those making $100K-150K, at 28.72 percent.
Here’s a look at the rest of the nation:
The top inbound states of 2018:
- Vermont;
- Oregon;
- Idaho;
- Nevada;
- Arizona;
- South Carolina;
- Washington;
- North Carolina;
- South Dakota;
- District of Columbia.
New to the 2018 top inbound list are Arizona (60.2 percent) and the District of Columbia (56.7 percent).
The top outbound states for 2018:
- New Jersey;
- Illinois;
- Connecticut;
- New York;
- Kansas;
- Ohio;
- Massachusetts;
- Iowa;
- Montana;
- Michigan.
New Jersey (66.8 percent) has ranked in the Top 10 for the past 10 years, and moved up one spot on the outbound list this year, to No. 1.
New additions to the 2018 top outbound list include Iowa (55.5 percent), Montana (55 percent) and Michigan (55 percent).