ROI-NJ plates up first-ever ROI Influencers: Food & Beverage list

You know what the biggest benefit is to having the most ethnically diverse — and the most population-dense — residents in the country? Food. An incredible variety. And plenty of it.

For all New Jersey is known for, our state is a heaven for foodies and those who feed them.

The Food Marketing Institute reports that New Jersey has a supply chain retail impact of nearly $18 billion when you factor in everything from farming to manufacturing and trucking to retailing.

All of this leads to an economic impact in the state of more than $30 billion.

That’s why this week we are celebrating the industry with our first-ever ROI Influencers list for the food and beverage industry.

We are honoring the business leaders from all aspects of the sector: From grocery stores to restaurants, mom-and-pop shops to franchises, startups to international conglomerates, manufacturers to distributors.

Click here for our rankings of the Top 10 most influential people in the sector in the state.

Click here for approximately three dozen more people whose impact needs to be recognized.

And read the entire section from our print edition below.