More than meets the eye: Lion Technology provides training, but also helps hazmat handlers with dangers that aren’t so obvious

Not all workplace hazards get a bright warning label.

That’s the disclaimer on the website of Lion Technology Inc., a niche business that helps employers train workers on a variety of hazardous materials handling — dangerous goods such as those in the petrochemical sector, where the threats are mostly well-marked.

But Jennifer Wark, marketing manager for the company, said there’s also a need to keep an eye on hard-to-spot hazards — drug abuse being one of them — in these industries’ dangerous work environments.

“We started as a regulatory compliance company, mostly for businesses that handle hazardous materials, but we also saw a great need for human resources training for these companies as well, so we’ve started offering training courses for them,” she said.

The Sparta-based company provides education on topics such as stress through its new HR training options. A big focus of the training today is on situations in which someone is working totally independently in facilities with hazardous materials.

“Because these industries have become so automated, people are no longer in a facility with 20-plus people with individual roles in a plan for who does what if an accident arises,” she said. “And there’s also different challenges, such as loneliness and stress, that also need to be addressed. We can do help with that; that’s why we’re unique.”

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Reach Lion Technology Inc. at: or 888-546-6511.