NAIOP NJ inducts CRE leaders into Hall of Fame

NAIOP New Jersey, a commercial real estate development association, announced on Friday it recognized the service and contributions of its volunteers at its 15th Annual President’s Awards and Hall of Fame Dinner.

The 2019 nominees to association’s Hall of Fame were also inducted at the event, which was held at the Hilton Meadowlands.

“Volunteers are what make any membership organization great, and NAIOP NJ is no exception,” said the association’s president Gene Preston, of Dermody Properties. “Each of you who holds a leadership position, serves on a committee, sponsors an event, speaks at a seminar, or contacts public officials in support of our advocacy efforts has played a part in making NAIOP NJ what it is today: respected among policy makers, effective in Trenton and valued by CRE veterans and developing leaders alike.”

The members inducted into the Hall of Fame include:

The 2019 President’s Awards honorees include:

  • Peter Reinhart, director of the Kislak Real Estate Institute at Monmouth University, received the Legacy Award in recognition of his longtime service to the industry, involvement in NAIOP NJ and stewardship of future CRE leaders.
  • Susan Karp of Karp Environmental Law received the Pillar Award in honor of the extraordinary example she sets in active membership, leadership and support for the association’s advocacy program.
  • Dana Nalbantian of Gensler received the Volunteer of the Year Award for her commitment, engagement and outstanding service to the association.
  • Steve Santola of Woodmont Properties received the Advocacy Award in recognition of his broad experience, unique perspective and outstanding leadership work in public policy.
  • Carlos Torres of Turner Construction Co. received the Rising Star Award for his enthusiasm, engagement and dedication to recruiting volunteers and donors in support of NAIOP’s Community Action projects.
  • Robert Thomson, who received the was Student Member of the Year award, is completing his Master of Architecture degree at Roger Williams University and is interning with Michael Graves Architecture & Design in Princeton.