NJBIA launches diversity, not-for-profit business councils

Michele Siekerka.

The New Jersey Business & Industry Association announced Thursday its new Diversity and Inclusion Council and its Not-for-Profit Council.

“We decided to expand the concept of new councils of interest to help our members stay informed and engaged on issues that present both challenges and opportunities,” NJBIA CEO and President Michele Siekerka said.

Because the format of the Women Business Leaders Council, formed in 2016, has been so successful in helping to advance the next generation of female executives, NJBIA’s new councils will also provide frequent opportunities for networking, skill building and the exchange of information and ideas at events throughout the year, Siekerka said.

For example, NJBIA’s annual Women Business Leaders Forum drew 500 attendees last year, encouraging industry executives to engage on how women can advance in corporate leadership and the board room.

This year, NJBIA also will host a Diversity and Inclusion Summit on May 20 at Mercer County Community College in West Windsor, to encourage business leaders across industries to strategize on successful diversity and inclusion practices.

“In our 2019 roundtable discussions, we learned New Jersey businesses are all across the spectrum on how they are addressing diversity and inclusion,” Siekerka said. “It became evident that NJBIA can be a resource to them, convening best practice discussions on successful strategies that create more inclusive and respectful workplaces.”

NJBIA’s new Not-for-Profit Council will also host regional quarterly meetings with nonprofit leaders from across the state to share best practices and resources for collaboration that support their missions and enhance opportunities.

“Government could never fill the void that would be left in New Jersey if our not-for-profit sector were to diminish in any way,” Siekerka said. “The economic impact of this sector is significant, as is the role it plays in direct services for our citizens.”

NJBIA members interested in participating on any council can learn more at njbia.org/councils.