First off, let’s acknowledge these are the proverbial strange days. As coronavirus ravages our state, it’s anything but business as usual. As my wife often quotes Mister Rogers to our girls, “Look for the helpers.” So let’s start with a cheer for the folks on the front lines, the doctors, nurses and other health care workers who are risking their own health to preserve ours. We can’t cheer loudly enough or say enough about what you’re doing. Please keep the faith, all of you. #Respect
Second, let’s cheer the other folks helping keep our state moving forward even as we bunker down. The supermarket workers and essential retailers, ensuring society functions. The teachers, who miss their “kids” while trying to maintain their worlds of wonder long-distance. The trash collectors, Postal Service and delivery folks. The list goes on. And those going above and beyond. Donors of equipment. Regular folks looking in on a senior neighbor. All of us who are scared, but keep grinding anyway. #Love
Finally, one loud jeer for the villains. The toilet paper profiteers. The price-gougers. That “knucklehead” who coughed on a cashier he was mad at. We’re a business publication, but anyone who’s prioritizing dollars over human lives right now deserves something that can’t be delivered from a safe social distance. We’re (too literally) all in this together. Let’s stay united. Do your best to keep safe and healthy. At ROI-NJ, we’ll do our best to keep you informed. #Jersey