N.J. needs safe, reliable and affordable natural gas (Sponsored Content: AENJ)

Trucking natural gas across state lines is not only hazardous, it’s a danger to our families and our community. We shouldn’t be trucking it in. We can and should be delivering natural gas safely and efficiently — through an infrastructure of technically built, efficient and safe pipelines.

A message from AENJ Executive Director Ron Morano:

Affordable Energy for New Jersey is bringing together the voices of our state from all corners — local leaders, business owners, organized labor, rural communities and city commuters — who believe that the new Energy Master Plan is not a realistic and sustainable path to greening our environment and our economy. In the face of the COVID-19 health crisis, our fight against overburdening New Jersey families with high energy costs is more important than ever. It is no secret that many of our hard-working middle-class families and businesses have been financially devastated during this crisis. If we continue to push for an Energy Master Plan that outlines a more affordable and feasible approach, New Jersey’s economic health will be in better shape on the other side of this.

Many environmental lobbyists have released reports boasting that building more gas infrastructure is not necessary because they claim we have the capacity. However, all we need to do is look no further than across the river in New York to better understand what could happen right here. Bad policy is blocking more pipelines while demand is rising. This led National Grid to resort to trucking in LNG and CNG during the winter months this past season. Truck after truck on the road, around the clock, in order to meet the need of New York’s citizens.

That’s right, trucking it in. Not only is the trucking of natural gas more dangerous from both a health and safety aspect, but it also poses many national security issues for our region. The fact is that pipelines are the safest route for the delivery of affordable and reliable natural gas to meet the capacity we need.

New Jersey deserves affordable energy and choice

Who should New Jerseyans believe when it comes to natural gas? The high-paid environmental lawyers and lobbyists, or the thousands of workers actually in charge of delivering for our hard-working families and businesses? It’s time for New Jersey to have a realistic approach to our energy future.

An update from Affordable Energy for N.J.

New Jersey is already built on clean energy, but, of course, we can do more. However, this should not be done in a way that will crumble the very foundations of our economic and community infrastructure. Sadly, the recently released Energy Master Plan, while laudable, fails to address the primary functions all blueprints should address — how will this be successfully implemented and how much will this cost consumers, ratepayers, taxpayers and residents?

Affordable Energy for New Jersey was formed to bring together leaders and residents from across the state representing the extraordinary members of local communities, business and labor that have been expressing concerns about the implementation of the Energy Master Plan.

The Garden State has been one of the leading voices in emissions reductions across the country — however, New Jersey cannot fight climate change alone, and with a detrimental impact to the 9 million residents who live here.

We believe there is another way forward. One that empowers New Jersey to continue reducing its carbon footprint without pricing families and businesses out of the state — simply put, a more sustainable plan.

Learn more at njaffordableenergy.com.

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