Chris Mazzarella, a Morris County resident, has started a charity fund called “Feed the Front Line” to help feed nurses and other medical practitioners fighting against COVID-19.
Since its start in late March, the fund has raised over $60,000, and has provided over 4,000 meals across the county to a variety of different hospitals and care centers in order to help those confronting this pandemic head-on. All within two months.
“During these times they need as much support as possible, as they are working long hours and spending time away from their families to ensure our lives continue as normal as possible,” said Mazzarella in the description of his GoFundMe page. “This fund will be used to feed our front lines and also sustain our small businesses by purchasing through local establishments (i.e., restaurants, take-out, etc…) and delivering meals to those in need throughout the current crisis.”
Nick Kraus, CEO and founder of Morristown-based Kraus Marketing, partnered with Mazzarella to help his cause. In observance of Nurses Appreciation Week, Kraus and Mazzarella helped deliver over 1,000 meals to help aid the front line, as well as 1,000 carnations, baked goods and cards.
“These nurses do not get to ‘work from home,’ they are out here every day risking their lives to save others,” said Kraus. “We wanted to honor them with a couple of gifts and a nutritious meal that would let them know how much we care.”
This effort was cosponsored by a variety of different businesses. Sterling Affair, a Carlstadt-based catering company, helped deliver the 1,000 meals, while Stop & Shop helped deliver the 1,000 carnations.
The organizations that will be supported in this effort include Morristown Medical Center, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Chilton Hospital, Beth Israel and University Hospital.
“We have an amazing community here — it makes me so proud,” Kraus said. “Businesses large and small and hundreds of members of our community have helped with this endeavor through volunteering and/or donating.”