ROI-NJ presents the online edition of its June 1, 2020, issue

Since most of you are not in your offices due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the June 1 print edition of ROI-NJ is being delivered electronically, so you can either scroll through the pages below or click the links that follow to see our coverage as it appears digitally. Thanks for your continued support of ROI-NJ and our advertisers. — Tom Hughes and Tom Bergeron, ROI-NJ

Read the June 1, 2020, issue of ROI-NJ by clicking on the preview and links below. And to subscribe to our print edition or our other products, click here.

The June 1, 2020, issue:

The June 1, 2020, stories:

Next steps: The killing of George Floyd leads to (mostly) peaceful protests, expediting of police reform programs in New Jersey

Editor’s Desk — Murphy’s dilemma: The summer is here. COVID’s back is broken. And residents are starting to lose patience

Deep cleaning: As building reopenings begin, what does post-COVID-19 disinfecting work look like?

Agree to … agree: We rarely support tax increases, but Murphy is right to back toll hikes — infrastructure is key to our economic future

Focus On … Banking

Video killed the presentation star: Business leaders discover running video meetings can require whole new skillset

Insuring health: Horizon chairman says picking up costs for COVID-19 coverage and telehealth use, plus working with companies on premium payments and covering furloughed employees was right thing to do in crisis

Cover stories

Op-Ed: COVID makes clear N.J. must be healthier — EVs can help

Op-Ed: Microgrid innovation can secure Camden’s future

Show & Tell: Reactions to raising tolls on major highways

‘More bullish than ever’: Market leader for Bridge Development said there will continue to be growing need for industrial real estate — but constrained supply

Tech Trends: ‘Jersey Strong’ startups — Inaugural NJTC online pitch ‘showdown’ features 3 N.J. founders

Focus On … Law