Since most of you are not in your offices due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the June 1 print edition of ROI-NJ is being delivered electronically, so you can either scroll through the pages below or click the links that follow to see our coverage as it appears digitally. Thanks for your continued support of ROI-NJ and our advertisers. — Tom Hughes and Tom Bergeron, ROI-NJ
Read the June 29, 2020, issue of ROI-NJ by clicking on the preview and links below. And to subscribe to our print edition or our other products, click here.
The June 29, 2020, issue:
The June 29, 2020, stories:
Why global interest in N.J. has picked up — Choose CEO: Pandemic has prompted 20+ deals
Focus On … Insurance
- Questions & no answers: With reopenings near, business insurers are still struggling to figure out how — or even if — policies cover COVID’s myriad worries
- Marijuana maven: DeLorenzo, eager to work with cannabis businesses, is building niche clientele with strong potential
- Questions remain: Medical professionals in N.J. have been shielded from COVID-related malpractice liability, but top insurer still has concerns about fallout
Here’s main reason why businesses can’t reopen — and what EDA is doing to help
Op-Ed: What next? 7 ways N.J. business owners can plan ahead for hurricane season
Op-Ed: No access to working capital, no recovery
Show & Tell: How can investors navigate volatile investment market?
The eyes have it: Why increased screen time can increase your chances for serious vision ailments
Focus On … Lobbying
- New world order: COVID-19 has changed Trenton lobbying in many ways, from remote conversations to clients’ priorities
- Unexpected complications: Even as elective surgeries resume, doctors are getting tripped up by some COVID-related requirements
- Faces of influence: Veteran lobbyists say minorities are gaining ground in crucial Trenton sector, but still have ways to go