ROI-NJ presents the online edition of its August 10, 2020, issue

    We are pleased to present the electronic version of ROI-NJ’s latest print issue. You can either scroll through the pages below or click the links that follow to see our coverage as it appears digitally. Thanks for your continued support of ROI-NJ and our advertisers. — Tom Hughes and Tom Bergeron, ROI-NJ

    Read the Aug. 10, 2020, issue of ROI-NJ by clicking on the preview and links below. And to subscribe to our print edition or our other products, click here.

    The Aug. 10, 2020, issue:

    The Aug. 10, 2020, stories:

    Startup launches scholarship campaign: Newark’s PeduL, AACCNJ partner to help underserved students

    PPP’s promise: Banking expert says payroll program achieved much of its goal, helping many of New Jersey’s small businesses

    Editor’s Desk — Driver’s education: We went to the MVC to get a permit. It took 7 hours. You decide whether that makes sense

    New platform: Ed-tech expert says Beable fits growing need for hybrid (in-school, at-home) education programs

    Business is clicking: Mickey Chopra says business is booming at Boonton-based Vinnie’s Pizzeria & Ristorante — which uniquely serves Italian-Indian cuisine — after video review by Dave Portnoy

    Career Classroom — Alternate routes: After varied industry careers, vocational teachers enjoy move to classroom

    Tech Trends — ‘Essential businesses’: During pandemic, VCs look for promising startups to fund, Smiga and Bhatti say

    Focus On … Economic Development

    Op-Ed: N.J. policies must support child care as essential service

    Op-Ed: Hold fossil fuel companies accountable

    Show & Tell: Rowan University’s decision to cut tuition and fees

    Focus On … Mental Health

    Nonprofit Profile: Beautiful Self, empowering survivors of breast cancer