Howell solar company completes project at Selective Insurance HQ

    Infiniti Energy Services has completed the construction of a solar project at the Branchville headquarters of Selective Insurance Group Inc., it announced this week.

    The 2,988 kW/DC project is made up of 7470 LG 400-watt modules, the Howell-based solar energy company said in a news release.

    “We are proud to be working with Selective Insurance on its renewable power facility investment,” Infiniti Energy Services President Michael Kushner said in a prepared statement. “This is an exciting project that will provide long-term environmental benefits by reducing fossil-fuel consumption. Our team worked closely with the developer, Sol Systems, in building a state-of-the-art system to meet Selective’s requirements.”

    The project is located at 40 Wantage Ave., the insurance company’s main facility.

    “Selective Insurance is committed to environmental sustainability,” Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Mark Wilcox said in a prepared statement. “By building this solar plant and selling all of its renewable energy certificates, we have greater visibility and control over our energy costs, and have generated a solid investment return.”

    Wilcox said the solar project produces the equivalent annual energy need to power 800 homes, while eliminating the equivalent annual emissions of 599 cars.