NJII teams with Leadership Difference to create training programs for execs

The New Jersey Innovation Institute and the Leadership Difference have formed a professional and executive education partnership to serve and upskill innovative leaders across all levels in all industries through training programs.

Through this inaugural leadership education collaboration, participants will grow their leadership acumen, business and communication skills in interactive sessions taught by recognized guru Dave Mitchell.

Topics covered in the new programs include: leadership skills and strategies, communication effectiveness, complexities of organizational development, conflict resolution, sales, negotiation, decision making, emotional intelligence and more — the kind of skills that are in demand in the age of automation.

New leadership programs include:

The programs are among the collection of Professional Development and Executive Education courses offered at New Jersey Institute of Technology and managed by the human capital division at its nonprofit subsidiary, NJII.

Deirdre Christofalo, NJII’s vice president of human capital, said each program has been developed to close the skill gap in today’s information age.

“As a learning organization, it is essential that we design and deliver educational programs that meet the needs of employers,” she said. “By partnering with the Leadership Difference, we are able to meet those needs utilizing proven principles of applied performance and cognitive psychology delivered in an engaging way to maximize transfer of learning.”

Simon Nynens, CEO of NJII, said expanding the relationship with Dave Mitchell will have impact.

“This exciting partnership was created to deliver immediate, impactful value and provide teams and individuals the skills and confidence they need to truly lead,” he said. “Our goal is to help today’s leaders meet and overcome new and unprecedented challenges and achieve peak performance in spite of the turbulence they face.”

Mitchell said all of the programs are designed to deliver thought-provoking perspectives and proven approaches to work and life with both humor and compassion.

“We believe that adults learn best and remember longer when the content is relevant and contextual as well as funny — we call it ‘enter-train-ment,’” he said.