BD, the Franklin Lakes-based medical device company, announced Wednesday that it is investing approximately $1.2 billion over four years to boost its pre-fillable syringe and advanced drug delivery system manufacturing capabilities and technology.
The company, also known as Becton, Dickinson & Co., said in a news release that the investment will include creation of a new manufacturing facility in Europe in addition to improvements at its six current global manufacturing locations.
Pre-fillable syringes are used by pharmaceutical companies for injectable drugs such as vaccines.
“BD invented the ready-to-fill, pre-fillable syringe technology, and today’s announcement demonstrates our continued commitment to better serve our customers,” Eric Borin, worldwide president of BD Pharmaceutical Systems, said in a prepared statement. “Since 2018, BD has added 350 million units of manufacturing capacity for glass barrel pre-fillable syringes, and this new commitment will invest in additional upgrades at all of our Pharmaceutical Systems manufacturing facilities and across multiple product categories.”
The new facility is expected to be operational by the end of 2023. Improvements at current facilities — located in Nebraska, France, Hungary, Japan, Mexico and the U.K. — include capacity expansion, product innovations, manufacturing technology improvements and more.