Hard Rock announces employee bonuses, affirms commitment to A.C.

Hard Rock International Chairman Jim Allen affirmed the company’s commitment to Atlantic City — and its employees that work there — Tuesday.

Allen announced the company will pay more than 2,000 employees bonuses that will total more than $1 million. Hourly employees will receive $250; supervisors will receive $500 and managers will receive $1,000.

The company made a similar commitment last January — awarding nearly 3,000 workers nearly $2 million in bonus. Those bonuses came after Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City met its goals for the previous year. That obviously wasn’t the case this year.

Allen, however, said the company wanted to thank its employees for their efforts during a difficult time.

“We believe that this continued support of our employees, and our belief that this will continue to enhance our respect and appreciation that we’ve provided to them and that they have given back to us, will continue to grow customer service in the property, and, more importantly, continue to separate us from the rest of the industry,” he said.

Allen also reaffirmed the company’s commitment to the Atlantic City property, which opened in the summer of 2018.

“We’re committed to this project on a long-term basis,” he said. “We know Atlantic City still has a great history behind it, and still has a better history in front of it.”