To read this year’s Top 30, click the links below:
To read the rest of the ROI Influencers: Power List 2021, click here.
Mo Butler
Hard to find anyone who is more connected in the political and business world.
Mike DuHaime
Always offers straight talk (read: honest assessment) without political spin, on all issues.
Gerry Gibbs
Founding partner
Capital Impact Group
Known as being one of the most strategic voices when it comes to all matters involving economic and business development.
Brendan Gill
BGill Group
Well-known throughout the state, his firm has clients from a variety of areas.
Michael Kempner
He and his firm are institutions in the state, a go-to source for stellar guidance in a variety of sectors.
Karen Kessler
Evergreen Partners
Always known as a go-to source for crisis communications, but her firm does a lot more with its big-name clients.
Laura Matos
General manager
She’s a behind-the-scenes powerhouse that has the respect of all.
Kevin McCabe
River Crossing
His knowledge and connections of all things business and politics makes him a powerful force in the state.
Maggie Moran
Managing partner
Whether it’s in-state or on the national scene, Moran usually is well ahead of the curve — and the competition.
Gene Mulroy
Co-founding partner
Capital Impact Group
Veteran voice in the lobbying world, he represents a variety of corporate clients and not-for-profit organizations.
Phil Norcross
Optimus Partners
Some say he prefers to be behind the scenes; all say few in the state are as well connected.
Julie Roginsky
Optimus Communications
Her ability to advocate and advise in so many areas makes her a powerhouse.
Eric Shuffler
River Crossing
In the world of lobbying, being glib is one way to go. Knowing your issue better than anyone else is better That’s Eric Shuffler.
Michael Soliman
For a consultant who almost always succeeds for his clients in rough-and-tumble New Jersey, his quiet and calm approach brings him near-universal respect.
Bob Sommer
Awsom Associates
We would tell you to read up on him on the firm’s website — except, he doesn’t have one. He’s the ultimate behind-the-scenes stealth adviser.