Atlantic City Electric is continuing its outreach to customers struggling to pay their energy bills — encouraging them to connect with programs such as LIHEAP, which helps low-income residents.
With millions of dollars in assistance funding available for customers who may be struggling to pay their energy bill, Atlantic City Electric said customers need to act now to secure these essential funds while they last.
Unpaid bills are a looming issue facing utilities throughout the state — one that ultimately could impact all users. (Public Service Enterprise Group Chair and CEO Ralph Izzo warned of it last fall.)
Last week, Atlantic City Electric employees participated virtually in LIHEAP Action Day, hosted by the National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition. Employees advocated for policies that protect funding for the LIHEAP program by sharing stories with elected officials and policymakers that demonstrate the program’s value to vulnerable households in southern New Jersey.
Customers who may have never qualified for energy assistance may now qualify based on their current financial situation. Customers could qualify for more than $1,000 in assistance, just through LIHEAP alone.
Residents in all areas of the state can apply for LIHEAP energy assistance through the Department of Community Affairs website, by contacting their local LIHEAP Agency or by calling 800-510-3102.
The information campaign is just one way Atlantic City Electric is attempting to offer help during the pandemic.
To further support customers and communities across South Jersey, Atlantic City Electric has provided more than $1.2 million in contributions of shareholder dollars to help those in need, including support to local emergency funds, small businesses and students impacted by the pandemic.