Show & Tell: Carlos Medina talks about how companies can target the growing Hispanic market — and why they should

Carlos Medina is the CEO of the Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey.

He talked about how companies can target the growing Hispanic market — and why they should.

“If you’re a smart organization or a smart company, you’re going to make sure that your board of directors reflects your customers. Latinos now make up at least 21% of the population in the state — you’re going to want to make sure your board reflects that. But, it’s more than that. You’re going to want to make sure your C-suite and your vendors look like that demographic, too. Unfortunately, too many corporations in New Jersey ignore this. And it just boggles my mind. They keep making this mistake, especially when it comes to how they approach their advertising. … You can see by their ad spends that they’re still chasing down a shrinking demographic instead of chasing a growing demographic — one that has money in their pockets that they’re going to spend. This not only is a demographic that’s growing; it represents a new demographic for many companies. These are the new potential customers — this is the market companies should be chasing.”