Murphy: As state awaits word on booster shots, more than 67K already have received third COVID shot

Gov. Phil Murphy said the state still is waiting to hear on who is eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot and when — and said the state still is determining how many large-scale megasites will reopen and when.

But this much is clear: Some N.J. residents already are getting a third shot.

Murphy, speaking at his COIVD-19 briefing Monday, said 67,371 individuals living with immune-deficiency disorders already have received a third dose of those vaccines.

As for others …

“We still are awaiting word regarding federal authorization of booster shots,” Murphy said.

The state is proceeding as if the date will come soon.

“We are doing this in recognition that the window for boosters could soon be open for all you who received your second doses as recently as six months ago — so, pretty much everyone who had been vaccinated by March,” Murphy said.

“We are continuing to ramp up capacity, whether it be reopening megasites or in pushing additional doses out to other distribution points. We are working hard to ensure that we will be able to meet what we anticipate will be a very high demand.”

For now, though, it’s hurry up and wait.

“As we sit here right now, there remains uncertainty regarding who will need to get in line for a booster and when,” Murphy said. “And as soon as we get that information from the federal Food and Drug Administration and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, we will let you all know.”