Show & Tell: Michele Siekerka talks about bills pending during the lame duck legislative session

Michele Siekerka is CEO and president of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association.

Alongside New Jersey Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Bracken and NFIB State Director Eileen Kean, she recently spoke to the media about bills pending during the lame duck legislative session that the organizations believe will hurt business.

“Following Election Day, our policymakers said they clearly heard from our voters a call for a more affordable New Jersey and committed themselves to respond to that call. … We ask our policymakers take their time on complicated policies and take their time with those that need the time to be further understood, versus leaving New Jersey with policies that need cleanup bills in the future. We have all learned how challenging that process can be. This is absolutely not the time to put any more burdens on the New Jersey business community or on our economy as a whole. Especially when our residents are calling for affordability. When policies are rushed for the sake of getting it done, as is usually the definition of lame duck, and frankly that’s where we are right now, unintended consequences are sure to rise.”