Business analytics and data analysis are projected to be among the 10 fastest-growing occupations between 2020-30, projecting 31.4% growth.
Caldwell University, in a continual effort to prepare its students for in-demand jobs, now is offering a B.S. in business analytics.
Virginia Rich, associate dean of the Caldwell School of Business and Computer Science, said the degree has never been more valuable. The school is eager to connect with businesses seeking graduates with these types of skills.
“Business analysts are in high demand these days due to their dynamic skill sets and business acumen,” she said. “We are excited to bring this offering to our students, who will graduate with a very nice, marketable set of data skills.”
Rich said business analysts study and process organizational data to help businesses and brands identify trends, patterns and anomalies that present new opportunities and uncover potential challenges.
Successful business analysts possess a unique combination of knowledge and skills to work with data, recognize the impact on the business side of the organization and communicate actionable insights to key decision-makers to solve business challenges.
Based on the industry demands associated with data collection and analysis, Rich said Caldwell’s business analytics major is built on the dual pillars of business acumen and computer science skills, with a heavy emphasis on data analytics, reflected in the 42 credits of required courses.
Caldwell business analytics graduates are equipped to provide essential business expertise in any industry that collects, tracks, and uses data.
This degree program is designed to be accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs when eligible, following graduation of the first cohort.
To learn more about the programs, click here.