Home2022H to LROI Influencers: Law 2022 — Avi Kelin

ROI Influencers: Law 2022 — Avi Kelin

ROI Influencers: Law 2022

Avi Kelin
Genova Burns

Emerging growth
George Washington University School of Law

Kelin is eligible to be in the Rising Stars section of this listing (he’s not yet a partner) but his career already is so impressive — he is the chair of the firm’s Autonomous Vehicles practice and arguably the most significant attorney in that practice — that he has more than has earned his spot on this list. … He provides innovative solutions to automakers, technology companies, insurance companies, real-estate developers, government entities and other businesses that depend on transportation and mobility. … He served on the task force that made recommendations to the governor and Legislature regarding the regulation and legal issues of autonomous vehicles.


A look at the honorees:


A look at the law schools:

The methodology:

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