ROI-NJ is seeking nominations for the ROI Influencers: Higher Education

Attention, higher ed!

ROI-NJ is seeking nominations for this year’s ROI Influencers: Higher Education list.

This list is unique in that we not only aim to honor the people who most influence the business community, the higher education community and the state of New Jersey, we also want to recognize classes, programs and even on-campus improvements.

So, tell us:

  • Who are your top presidents, deans and administrators?
  • What are your unique classes or programs?
  • How are you best preparing the students of today for the world of tomorrow?
  • And are you doing it in the best dorms and campus buildings?

To submit a nomination for this year’s list, please click on the button below. Our Influencers are chosen by the ROI-NJ Editorial team, based on everything from conversations with experts in the field to your nominations.