Fort Lee-based Cross River Bank celebrated National Nonprofit Day on Wednesday, a day that brings awareness to nonprofit organizations and their life-changing impact on communities.
“Cross River is proud of our unwavering commitment to community,” Miriam Wallach, head of social responsibility at Cross River stated. “Whether in our backyard or in someone else’s, through both equity and sweat equity, there is a thorough commitment to doing what is needed, where it is needed. Top down, the pledge to ‘do good’ is at the very core of what we do.”
As a leading financial technology company reshaping global finance and financial inclusion, Cross River is deeply invested in supporting initiatives that help communities drive positive change for a better future. Cross River’s social impact spans philanthropic giving and social responsibility initiatives, including significant employee engagement.
Cross River matches employees’ charitable giving (up to $500 per employee) and, so far in 2022, the global Cross River team has donated to a diverse range of charities close to employees’ hearts. These include, but are not limited to: financial empowerment, health and human services, economic development, education, family and children’s services, international relief, animal rescue, religious institutions and sports programming.
Cross River also encourages employees to give back and provides every employee — remote or Fort Lee-based — with two paid volunteer days. To date, employees have volunteered in states beyond Cross River’s geographic footprint, including Texas, California, Louisiana, Washington and Pennsylvania.