Warren resident named Kearny Bank’s retail relationship manager for North Arlington branch

Keily Fernandes has been elevated to the position of assistant vice president and retail relationship manager for Kearny Bank’s North Arlington branch. In this role, Fernandes will focus on managing business development, client relationships and the branch’s community involvement.

Prior to her promotion, the Warren resident — who has nearly two decades of professional experience in retail banking — served as retail client experience manager for the North Arlington branch. Her overall background includes a variety of positions, with an emphasis on business development.

“Thanks to her expertise in so many aspects of community banking, Keily is well-suited to overseeing our North Arlington branch and its broad range of retail products and services,” Kearny Bank Senior Vice President and Retail Banking Leader Heather Moskal stated. “And, because our local clients already know Keily and enjoy working with her, I’m confident her transition to this new role will be seamless.”