Trish Zita
Co-founder, principal
Kaufman Zita Group
Q: In an age when anyone, anywhere, at any time can disseminate information, how can a modern-day public affairs or public relations firm break through the noise and deliver the message of its clients to the masses?
Trish Zita (Kaufman Zita Group): Powerful and concise messaging delivered on multiple platforms is key. Conveying issues quickly and clearly by visualizing data through graphics or animation on social and digital media platforms is one way to break through the noise. But most important is getting the message right and delivering it the right way.
Q: What are you doing now that you may not have been doing one, three, five years ago?
Trish Zita (Kaufman Zita Group): We’ve moved away from using traditional polling, which has proved unreliable, and there is more focus on social media analytics. Using social and digital media as a predictor to analyze issues and political trends is more prominent than ever. It gives you the ability to have real-time analysis of public opinion and be able to drill down more effectively.
Q: What is your best sales pitch to a potential client who currently is not using a PR/PA firm?
Trish Zita (Kaufman Zita Group): In an increasingly polarized political landscape, everyone is facing new challenges and unprecedented scrutiny. You don’t want to be caught in a difficult or unexpected situation. Public affairs firms can be used proactively or reactively. In either situation, you’ll want one as part of your team and ready to engage.
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