HomeLifestylePublic relations in 2022: Q&A with Jonathan Jaffe

Public relations in 2022: Q&A with Jonathan Jaffe

Jonathan Jaffe
Founder, CEO
Jaffe Communications

Q: In an age when anyone, anywhere, at any time can disseminate information, how can a modern-day public affairs or public relations firm break through the noise and deliver the message of its clients to the masses? 

Jonathan Jaffe (Jaffe Communications): It is all about relationship-building. Our firm, over the past 20 years, has developed a strong, working relationship with New Jersey’s media. When editors receive a press release, op-ed or other communication from us, on behalf of our clients, they know the piece is well-sourced, newsworthy, presented in AP style and requires little, if any, editing.

Q: What are you doing now that you may not have been doing one, three, five years ago?

Jonathan Jaffe (Jaffe Communications): Working early mornings and late nights, as the shrinkage of New Jersey’s media market requires trusted public relations professionals to provide ever-increasing content to fill both traditional and digital platforms on a statewide, regional and hyperlocal level.

Q: What is your best sales pitch to a potential client who currently is not using a PR/PA firm?

Jonathan Jaffe (Jaffe Communications): There is no need for a sales pitch. Established, reputable public relations firms in New Jersey have developed important ties to the business community. They know what we do and our enormous value in helping them get the word out, quickly, correctly and succinctly, to this targeted market.


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