HomeLifestylePublic relations in 2022: Q&A with Ted Deutsch

Public relations in 2022: Q&A with Ted Deutsch

Ted Deutsch
CEO, Managing partner
Taft Communications

Q: In an age when anyone, anywhere, at any time can disseminate information, how can a modern-day public affairs or public relations firm break through the noise and deliver the message of its clients to the masses?

Ted Deutsch (Taft Communications): It begins with a commitment to genuine and purpose-focused communications. People respond more than ever to messages that are authentic and speak to the issues they care about. And we see the proliferation of communications vehicles as providing a greater opportunity. The key is to make strategic use of every relevant platform — from traditional media to social and digital, and everything in between — with clear, persuasive, consistent messaging.

Q: What are you doing now that you may not have been doing one, three, five years ago?

Ted Deutsch (Taft Communications): The pandemic and the events that led to a new focus on social justice and diversity, equity & inclusion have resulted in more companies recognizing the importance of timely, factual and ongoing internal communications. We’re doing much more work in this area. Additionally, some clients now are under greater pressure to counter false narratives and fake ‘facts’ more aggressively. Sadly, the assumption that truth will prevail is no longer enough.

Q: What is your best sales pitch to a potential client who currently is not using a PR/PA firm?

Ted Deutsch (Taft Communications): Companies and organizations can get too caught up in old thinking and doing things the same way they’ve always been done. A good agency brings in expert, fresh and diverse perspectives. Their counsel should be informed by sector knowledge, but also experiences outside the client’s comfort zone that can drive the mission forward.


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