NJ Alliance for Action honors SJI’s utilities

South Jersey Gas and Elizabethtown Gas were both recently recognized for construction projects that positively impacted New Jersey’s economy and helped improve the safety, reliability and sustainability of the state’s energy systems.

The New Jersey Alliance for Action presented the units of South Jersey Industries with the organization’s “New Jersey’s Leading Capital Construction Projects” award at a ceremony held last week in Monroe Township.

The “New Jersey’s Leading Capital Construction Projects” awards program honors businesses and organizations that work together as partners to complete innovative, pioneering and landmark construction initiatives that significantly impact the state’s economy.

“Ensuring that our systems are safe, reliable and resilient results in significant benefits not only for our customers, but also for the environment,” Melissa Orsen, senior vice president, SJI, and president, SJI Utilities, stated. “Our utilities’ talented teams of engineers, contractors and organized labor workers work diligently to modernize our infrastructure with this purpose in mind. I am thrilled to see them recognized for their efforts.”

Elizabethtown Gas received the award for its Westfield Yard to Nomahegen Park – Phase II Project, a segment of the utility’s overall plan to replace the remaining 16 miles of large-diameter elevated-pressure cast iron in its distribution system by 2029. The project involved replacing approximately 12,700 feet of elevated- and low-pressure cast iron distribution main with new 16-inch, elevated-pressure steel pipe. Working in partnership with the township of Westfield and Union County, Elizabethtown Gas successfully completed the project in September 2022, resulting in the renewal and transfer of approximately 130 services to the newly modernized infrastructure.

Moreover, NJAA named South Jersey Gas a recipient of the award for the second phase of the utility’s Camden County Reliability Project. Working alongside its construction and engineering contractors, South Jersey Gas replaced aging distribution main with 16-inch steel pipe from Pine Hill to Winslow Township, to increase system reliability during peak-demand events. Additionally, during this project, the company piloted a gas recovery system that saved over 75,000 cubic feet of natural gas and 34 metric tons of CO2e from escaping into the atmosphere.

South Jersey Gas also received a “New Jersey’s Leading Capital Construction Projects” award in 2022 for the second phase of the utility’s Storm Hardening and Reliability Program.