Vanpowers Bike test ride contest winner receives City Vanture ebike

Bridgewater-based Vanpowers Bike, a high-end electric bicycle brand with facilities nationwide, held a test ride event in winter of 2022, and many people signed up to participate in both the test ride and a contest afterward. The lucky grand prize winner of this contest received a neon purple City Vanture courtesy of Vanpowers Bike, and the owner of the offline store hosted the test ride.

“I have never had an ebike,” the grand prize winner said. “The first time I rode an ebike was at a test ride hosted by Vanpowers Bike. At first glance, I was drawn to the stunning neon purple City Vanture. I took a long test ride during the event, and the City Vanture gave me something I’d never had on a regular bike; the ride was smooth, and the pedal assist was fantastic.”

The City Vanture was Vanpowers Bike’s first road bike model and the first ebike in the industry with an assembled frame. Its ultra-light build and classic look make it seem like any other traditional bike at first glance. The City Vanture’s smooth riding experience has gained a lot of attention and popularity in cycling communities. It has a quiet Gates CDN belt drive that requires less maintenance and lasts three to five times longer than a chain, with a lifespan of 20,000 miles in comparison to most chains’ 3,000–5,000 miles. With only two hours of charging, it can last a 50-mile range. The City Vanture is also compatible with an additional extra battery that brings its range up to 80 miles.