End of an era: DeCamp will no longer have bus service to NYC

If you lived in North Jersey and worked in New York City at any point in the past 150 years or so, you likely have taken a DeCamp bus (or stagecoach) to work.

Effective April 7, that no longer will be an option.

The state’s oldest private bus company announced it no longer will be providing service to Manhattan. The reason: Not enough interest.

Call it a symptom of long COVID.

DeCamp officials told NorthJersey.com, which first reported the story, that its buses to New York are running at approximately 20% of its pre-COVID ridership. Prior to the pandemic, the line carried between 6,500 and 7,000 workers a day into Manhattan.

“It was exactly three years ago when we stopped service because of the pandemic,” Chief Operating Officer Jonathan DeCamp told NorthJersey.com. “The commuting landscape literally changed overnight.”

DeCamp’s service dates back to 1870, when it ran stagecoaches.

DeCamp told NorthJersey.com that the company will continue to operate charter services.