Hoboken opens community survey on Maritime Park

The City of Hoboken launched an online survey this week to gather public input for the concept design of Maritime Park.

(To take the survey online, click here)

Maritime Park will be constructed on the Hudson River waterfront at the former Union Dry Dock site. The park is the last remaining section of the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway yet to be connected. Once a final concept design is created and the park is erected, the city will have a completely publicly accessible waterfront from Weehawken Cove to Pier A Park.

The survey, which will be open until 6 p.m. April 18, follows the first community meeting, held April 4, which officially kicked off the public planning process for the new waterfront park.

Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla said he’s eager for feedback.

“As always, we are including a robust public process to determine the amenities of our open spaces, and nowhere is this more important than the design of Maritime Park,” he said. “We have worked incredibly hard to acquire this site and we will work even harder to ensure that it is a design that our community wants and needs. I look forward to working with everyone on this in the weeks and months ahead.”

Bhalla said the design team will use feedback from the survey, community meeting and future public engagement to create concept designs for Maritime Park that include features and amenities reflective of the community’s needs and wants.