A luxury suite for Devils playoff game? They’re available: Here’s what it will cost

The atmosphere and the action in the New Jersey Devils’ first postseason appearance since 2018 figures to be raucous.

If your company wants to take it in at the Prudential Center with colleagues or business partners, you can. But it likely will cost you between $14,000-$24,000.

Brian Norman, the team’s senior vice president, ticket sales and premium hospitality, said there are luxury suites available for single-event use. The cost will vary depending on the location of the box — and the size of it (some come with 16 tickets; others come with 20).

The price, Norman also notes, will be dynamic. As more suites are rented — and the team goes further in the playoffs — prices will rise to reflect demand.

The demand already is great.

The Devils already have used the excitement of a season that saw them set the team record for wins (52) and points (112) to build their season-ticket base. The team already has added approximately 1,500 full-season plans, the biggest increase in the league.

The team’s premium seating — luxury and studio suites coupled with loges boxes, loft tables, club seats and the M Lounge — is up 30% year over year, Norman said. The playoffs offer another opportunity to increase that number.

“The playoffs provide us an unbelievable platform to be able to engage the business community in the greater North Jersey area,” he said. “Offering a suite on an individual game or event basis gives local businesses the opportunity to come over for a Devils round one matchup and experience it all.

“We see these games as opportunities for corporate entities to learn more about the Prudential Center and learn more about the other events that we’re having. We often will do pregame and postgame events with those folks. We really want to bring them in and curate that relationship.”

It’s a test drive, Norman said.

“I really liken it to if you were to buy a BMW,” he said. “You’re going to want to know what features and benefits you’re going to get and to understand the investment level and the financing options available.”

Those benefits are more than just Devils game, Norman said.

The arena, ranked No. 5 in the country and No. 10 in the world for revenue, has a wide variety of entertainment.

Norman points to the month of April alone.

“Last Friday, we had the Eagles in,” he started. “We had a Devils game on Tuesday night. (Last night) we had Adam Sandler. Friday night, we have Bruce Springsteen. Saturday night, we have a comedy show — and then we’re ready for a Devils playoff game on Monday or Tuesday.

“That’s really a microcosm for the quality and consistency of events that we’ve had here this year.”