Hightower makes strategic investment in Meyer Capital Group

$1.6 billion firm founded by CEO's grandfather in 1963 is one of original fee-only businesses

Investment advisory firm Hightower on Thursday announced it has made a strategic investment in Meyer Capital Group, a $1.6 billion firm with offices in Marlton and Naples, Florida. With 17 employees, including 10 advisers, Meyer Capital Group serves more than 800 clients.

Under the leadership of CEO Thomas Meyer, the fee-only fiduciary wealth management firm’s mission is its motto: Commoda Tua Ante Nostra — “Your Interest Before Ours.”

Meyer Capital Group has been helping families achieve their financial goals since 1963, when Meyer’s grandfather started the business as one of the original fee-only firms. Since 1982, when Thomas Meyer took the helm, the firm has grown from $2 million to $1.6 billion assets under management.

“We were looking for a partner that would support our growth while also understanding our deep roots that stem back to when my grandfather founded the business nearly six decades ago,” Meyer said. “Hightower is the right fit for us. Having access to their value-added services, operational resources and large community of other like-minded firms will serve as a catalyst for our accelerated growth. And, most importantly, this will give us more time to focus on our clients.”

“I have personally known Tom and Meyer Capital Group for almost 20 years, and they have a long history of helping clients to achieve their financial goals, which makes them a perfect fit for our community,” Hightower Chairman and CEO Bob Oros said. “Our valued-added service offering, as well as back- and middle-office platform support, will enable them to enhance their client value proposition while giving them time to build even stronger client relationships.”

Gladstone Associates LLC served as adviser to Meyer Capital Group.