Jefferson Health performs 5,000th robotic surgery in New Jersey

Jefferson Health‘s Surgical Services team in New Jersey recently performed its 5,000th robotic procedure. The surgical milestone took place Monday at Jefferson Stratford Hospital and was performed using the da Vinci Xi robotic surgery system.

Several Jefferson Health – New Jersey surgeons are trained in robotic procedures; this particular robotic cholecystectomy was performed by surgeon Dr. Adeshola Fakulujo. Celebrations noting the milestone were held at Jefferson Stratford and Washington Township hospitals.

The da Vinci robot is used at these two Jefferson hospitals for an array of procedures, including general surgery, urologic surgery, GYN and GYN oncology surgery. Robotic surgery is known for offering patients quicker recovery times, less pain and smaller incisions. This minimally invasive technology enables efficient access throughout a patient’s abdomen and chest; its immersive 3D-HD vision system gives surgeons a highly magnified view, “extending” their eyes and hands into the patient.