Ayr Wellness, Blaze Responsibly partner for expungement clinic in Roselle

Ayr Wellness and Blaze Responsibly have partnered with the city of Roselle to host a free community expungement clinic on Friday at Central Park (2401 N. Woods Ave.) in Roselle from 4-8 p.m. to expunge the records of individuals with past cannabis convictions.

This clinic is part of Ayr’s concerted effort to combat the effects of the failed War on Drugs through its ongoing Changing Legacies initiative.

Participants will be able to meet with volunteer attorneys to obtain a free expungement along with resources for veterans, assistance attaining IDs and more.

Additionally, Rutgers Law School will be providing information on the Cannabis Law & Business certificate as well as helping applicants with technical assistance for cannabis licenses.

To register to attend, click here.