ROI-NJ presents its Top 30 Champions of the C-Suite honorees

ROI-NJ, in partnership with New Jersey Chamber, to hold networking event of the year Nov. 30


There are developers, builders and engineers — and a few folks to provide power.

Transportation and the Port? We’ve got that covered, too.

You can be sure there are a number of health care heroes (for pets, too) and academic leaders.

And, of course, there is a banker, a fintech leader, a financier and an accountant to make sure the ledger is straight.

ROI-NJ proudly presents the Top 30 business leaders in New Jersey — the top honorees at the Champions of the C-Suite event that ROI-NJ is hosting in conjunction with the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce.

The event, to be held Nov. 30 at the Hanover Manor in East Hanover, is sure to be the networking party of the year.

Every sector in the state will be represented.

Come to see old friends, make new connections — or simply to congratulate the 150 business leaders who will be honored. (The remaining 120 will be announced Thursday.)

Click here for ticket and sponsorship opportunities.