Newark Forward, showcase of city as business destination, to be held Oct. 12

Hosted by NJIT, presentation will highlight incentives, benefits, amenities of establishing and expanding business in Newark

Mayor Ras Baraka and leaders from Invest Newark and the African American Chamber of Commerce of PA, NJ and DE will host “Newark Forward” on Oct. 12, a showcase intended to highlight the city as a premier destination for business owners, industry captains and entrepreneurs.

The event aims to highlight the incentives, benefits, assets and amenities of establishing and expanding business in Newark.

It will be held at the New Jersey Institute of Technology between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

The event is free. (Register here.)

The day’s activities will include fireside chats with both Baraka and AACC CEO Regina Hairston.

There also will be three sessions:

  • Why Newark?;
  • Strategies for Success and Accelerating for Growth;
  • Newark: A Model City for Your Business.

Newark Forward will offer curated information on the benefits of establishing, relocating or expanding business in Newark. Speakers will provide thorough insight into workforce advantages, incentives and economic support that facilitate a turnkey entrance into a city-built comprehensive commerce ecosystem.

Case studies shared by local business owners, a luncheon and networking sessions also are scheduled.