Scarinci named to national advisory board seeking term limits for U.S. Supreme Court

Scarinci Hollenbeck Managing Partner Donald Scarinci has been appointed to serve on the advisory board of Term Limit the Court, a national organization devoted to establishing term limits for justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Scarinci joins legal and political experts who will guide and implement TLTC’s strategy.

About Term Limit the Court

According to a survey conducted by the Associated Press and NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 67% of Americans favor term limits for Supreme Court justices. Term Limit the Court was founded to work with Congress to pass a term limit law, to build a national campaign of public support and to serve as a primary resource for information on the need for term limits. It seeks to end lifetime tenure on the Supreme Court and ensure a more balanced and ethical court.

“Donald Scarinci has a well-earned reputation as a keen and insightful authority on the Constitution and the courts. We believe ending lifelong tenure on the court is imperative to restoring public confidence. We are grateful and honored Donald is joining this effort,” Alan Cohn, CEO of Term Limit the Court, said.

New members named to the advisory board also include former Federal District Court Judge Nancy Gertner, former Idaho Supreme Court Justice Jim Jones and Andrew Warren, the elected state attorney in Hillsborough County, Florida.