Business Hall of Fame honorees: Renna, Armour, Earp, Wilson, Ross-Dulan

The lesson from South Jersey Industries CEO Mike Renna to the students in attendance was as simple as learning your A-B-Cs.

Be authentic … strive for balance … be courageous.

If that sounds like Hall of Fame advice, it’s because it is. Renna delivered it at the recent New Jersey Business Hall of Fame induction.

The event is Junior Achievement of New Jersey’s signature program, one that benefits the organization’s High School Heroes youth leadership initiatives.

Renna was one four Laureates to be honored. The others:

· Caroline Armour, Verizon Consumer Group

· Tom Earp, Earp Cohn P.C.

· Cid Wilson, Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility

In addition, the group honored one ‘trailblazer’ – Brenda Ross-Dulan of The Ross-Dulan Group.

Renna told the students to keep it simple.

Being authentic, he said, is about being open and transparent.

Striving for balance is about make sure you measure your own expectations with that of your team.

And being courageous means taking risks in your career – doing things that force you out of your comfort zone.

The celebration, held at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick, focused on the work of JANJ, the aspirations of High School Hero participants, and the continuing impact of JANJ on the thousands of K-12 students throughout the state who represent the future of New Jersey’s workforce.