Berlin skilled nursing facility earns American Heart Association certification

Berlin Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center in Camden County recently earned the American Heart Association’s new Skilled Nursing Facility Heart Failure Center Certification. Located at 100 Long-A-Coming Lane in Berlin, the skilled nursing facility provides post-hospital care, short-term rehab and long-term residential care.

Evaluation criteria for AHA’s new skilled nursing certification — earned by less than 1% of skilled nursing facilities nationwide, to date — was designed by heart failure experts. Certification requirements include program management, personnel education, clinical management, care coordination and performance improvement, as well as patient and caregiver education and support.

“This advanced certification provides heart patients with the assurance that Berlin is recognized by the AHA for delivering the most effective heart failure treatment strategies based on a standardized method of current evidence-based guidelines,” Kate Bauer, regional director of market development at Marquis Health Consulting Services, which supports Berlin, said. “These specific care strategies and services are aimed at improving outcomes for those with chronic heart failure and its comorbidities, as well as reducing readmissions.”

Berlin recently earned a prestigious accreditation for its quality care and services from the Joint Commission, the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care. This year, Berlin also achieved a Five-Star Overall rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Brick-based Marquis Health Consulting Services provides administrative and consulting services to skilled nursing facilities and senior housing communities along the Eastern Seaboard. The organization’s operational guidance enables its client facilities to overachieve their quality and customer service goals by embracing a progressive, multispecialty approach to health care.