Vollers announces transition in leadership: Tom Vollers to retire as CEO

Tom Vollers

Vollers Inc. has announced a transition in leadership as Tom Vollers, the current CEO, will step down from his role effective July 1. The board of directors has unanimously elected Brendan Murray as his successor.

Vollers, a critical figure in the organization for nearly half a century, has been instrumental in maintaining the North Branch-based civil construction firm’s reputation, values and ethical principles throughout the company’s expansion and growth. From his early days in the field to his roles as office administrator, chief financial officer, president and CEO, he has been a driving force behind its success.

Even with this change in executive leadership, Vollers said he will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the company’s future through his position on the board of directors and his role as an owner. His visionary guidance and experience with the company will remain integral to the business’ continued success.

“This transition comes at a time of strength and momentum for Vollers,” Vollers said. “The company’s executive leadership team has never been stronger, and I am confident that the strategic direction is right for the future success of the business.”

Murray, the current president and incoming CEO, is a proven leader whose leadership style aligns seamlessly with the firm’s core values and company culture, making him a natural fit for the organization.

“As we celebrate our 75th year, Vollers has never been in a better position for the future,” Murray said. “Our founders laid the foundation for our workplace culture, emphasizing the importance of our people in driving the business success. I am honored to lead Vollers into its next chapter, building on our strong reputation and fostering a culture that drives results.”