Laurel Brook Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center earns CMS 5-Star Quality Measures rating

Laurel Brook Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center in Mount Laurel has earned a Five-Star Quality Measures rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Located at 3718 Church Road, the 220-bed skilled nursing center provides post-hospital care, short-term rehab and long-term residential care.

As part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, CMS is responsible for quality standards in long-term care facilities through its survey and certification process; it gives each nursing home a rating of between one and five stars. Facilities with five stars are considered to have above-average quality.

“Laurel Brook’s Five-Star Quality Measures rating from CMS reflects the commitment of the facility’s entire team to provide superior care and services,” Kate Bauer, regional director of market development for Marquis Health Consulting Services, which supports Laurel Brook, said. “CMS’s Five-Star Quality Rating System is highly respected. On a daily basis, it is relied upon by consumers, families and caregivers, as well as business partners.”

Laurel Brook’s care highlights include a Chronic Illness Support model, partnering with Samaritan Palliative Care to integrate palliative care, pastoral support and other services with its specialized clinical programming. The goal is to enhance quality of life for patients and their loved ones. Specialty programs at Laurel Brook include Cardiac Care, Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Chronic Kidney Disease Management.