ShopRite of Northvale team members featured on Cheerios box in recognition of charity efforts

From a face in the crowd to a spot on a box, team members Peter Sagri and Maureen Crispino of the Inserra Supermarkets ShopRite of Northvale were honored by having their pictures placed on a special edition Cheerios box in recognition of their outstanding fundraising efforts for local food banks.

ShopRite of Northvale is a top fundraiser this year, raising $6,800 for hunger fighting efforts during the annual ShopRite Partners in Caring Cheerios Contest, sponsored in partnership with General Mills.

In addition, Inserra Family members Larry Inserra Jr., Marie Inserra, Laura Dupont, Theresa Larsen, Kyle Dupont and the store team presented a check for $2,500 to Saint Anthony’s Church to support this community-based food bank.

This year, 10 Inserra Supermarkets ShopRites are among the 52 top fundraising locations, raising a combined total of $212,902.  In total, this annual contest raised over $1.6 million to fight hunger in local communities across the country.