Value Cos. welcomes Matthew Mirman as executive vice president

Clifton-based Value Cos. recently welcomed Matthew Mirman as executive vice president, where he will be responsible for business development and strategic planning.

Mirman’s work will initially focus on Value Cos.’ third-party multifamily management affiliate, Value Asset Management, which recently entered the Connecticut market and is actively looking to further expand. He also will be actively involved in the strategic expansion of Value Cos.’ currently owned multifamily property portfolio.

Before joining Value Cos., Mirman served as senior vice president of OddsChecker Global Media, spearheading the international iGaming affiliate’s entry into the U.S. market. He was a key part of the management team that helped to successfully sell the business to a private equity firm.

Value Cos. CEO and President Andrew Abramson said: “Matt is a seasoned executive who knows how to provide innovative and practical solutions to any challenging situation. He’s equally talented at leading go-to-market strategies for new ventures as he is at strengthening established operations.”

Mirman has 15 years of experience in the advertising technology industry. Much of his career has been focused leading revenue operations, garnering partnerships and bringing products to new markets.