Valley Hospital adds state-of-art imaging for neurointerventions

The Valley Hospital recently added the Siemens Healthineers Artis icono biplane to its interventional imaging services.

The icono biplane is used to image patients experiencing complex neurovascular conditions, such as stroke, aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations — as well as other cerebrovascular diseases.

The Paramus facility hopes the biplane will be a key feature of its new interventional suite and is used to conduct a magnitude of procedures with a main emphasis on neurointerventions.

Dr. Dorothea Altschul, director of neurointerventional surgery at Valley, said the impact will be great.

“Benefits of the icono biplane include accurate diagnosis and treatment of patients, including reducing radiation up to 60% for patient safety; clearer visualizations of the brain; optimal patient access; and faster procedures with the ability to adapt to different procedures and workflows,” she said. “We look forward to using this advanced technology to continue to quickly diagnose and treat our patients.”

The Artis icono biplane system is engineered for superior utilization in neurointerventions and interventional radiology, with significantly enhanced 2D and 3D whole-brain imaging as well as improved visualization of difficult-to-delineate structures in the brain, vascular system and complex vessel anatomies.

According to Siemens Healthineers, the Artis icono features a new Optiq image chain, which fundamentally redesigns image processing for 2D imaging.

Optiq increases image quality across a wide range of C-arm angles and patient weights, regulating acquisition parameters to automatically achieve optimal image contrast at patient radiation doses that conform to the as-low-as-reasonably-achievable guiding principle for radiation safety.