The New Jersey Economic Development Authority has extended the deadline for its Request for Information among film and digital media production industry stakeholders: Questions now must be submitted by Wednesday, while responses must be submitted by June 28.
The information could be for the development of a $5 million EDA film and digital media production workforce training program.
The EDA is seeking information on the characteristics of effective workplace training programs in hopes of creating and/or supporting similar programs and initiatives to support workplace development for film and digital media productions. These positions include production assistants, production accountants, studio managers, carpenters, grips, electricians, set dressers, wardrobe assistants and script supervisors.
The respondents can be interested stakeholders in the film and digital media production industry and do not have to be based in New Jersey.
If interested, all questions must be submitted in writing no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday through an e-mail to The subject line of the e-mail should read: “Questions-2024-RFI-214”.
All RFI responses must be submitted in writing no later than 5 p.m. June 28 through e-mail to The subject line of the e-mail should state: “RFI Response-2024-RFI-214.”
Answers to questions submitted will be posted on the EDA’s website: Bidding Opportunities – NJEDA as addendum.
The information gathered through this RFI will help the EDA:
- Better understand the film and digital media workforce in New Jersey and any existing workforce gaps;
- Gain insight into the industry’s recruitment and training processes;
- Gather information on teaching programs that include instructors who are currently employed in film and digital media production that create teaching plans focused on imparting on-set best techniques and practices;
- Collect information on best practices and approaches to support training and development needs;
- Learn about existing successful national and international models that prepare workers for careers in film and digital media production;
- Seek information on how underserved populations can be supported through the film and digital media industry;
- Best methods for encouraging the inclusion of minorities, women, and veterans in future film and digital media workforce training programs.